
سيناريو أوروبا تهيمن فيها الشعبوية الاستبدادية على وقع فوز ترامب والبريكسيت

22-11-2016 00:38:52

بحسب دراسة حديثة جدا تستند إلى استطلاعات رأي انجزت اثر الانتخابات الاميركية، فان أوروبا تواجه سيناريو هيمنة نزعة شعبوية استبدادية على وقع فوز دونالد ترامب وخيار البريكسيت البريطاني..الدراسة انجزها معهد yougov البريطاني للأبحاث، كما تتوقع ان تطبع الايديولوجيا المعادية للهجرة العقد المقبل في أوروبا، وتضع الدراسة لائحة لتوقعات صعود اليمين المتطرف في أوروبا وتبدو فيه عدد من دول أوروبا الشرقية وفرنسا من أكثر الدول الأوروبية تأثرا بهذه الظاهرة، بينما تظل ألمانيا بمنآى نسبيا وكذلك إسبانيا.

وفيما يلي ملخص عن الدراسة باللغة الانجليزية من صحيفة الاندبندنت البريطانية:




'Authoritarian populism' behind Donald Trump's victory and Brexit becoming driving force in European politics

YouGov research finds anti-immigration ideology could be 'political phenomenon of next decade'


Donald Trump’s election victory, Brexit and the rise of former fringe parties like Ukip and France’s Front National are part of a political phenomenon that could define the next decade, according to new research.

Polling by YouGov found “authoritarian populism” was a force driving many voters across Europe and the US, united by issues including opposition to immigration, defence policy and cynicism over human rights.

Groups sharing the ideology include Ukip, the Front National, Alternative für Deutschland and the US’ new President-elect’s campaign, researchers said, calling them “branches of the same tree”.


Of 12 European countries ranked in a chart created for The Independent by Statista, five saw more than half of respondents identify with what has been classified as authoritarian populist views, YouGov said.

The figure stood at 48 per cent in the UK, where the movement is judged to be best represented by the Conservatives and Ukip. 

Voters supporting authoritarian populism were broadly older and with less access to higher education, while opponents on the liberal left and centre-right were more likely to be younger and have attended university.

YouGov found 82 per cent of voters held the views in Romania, while the figure stood at zero in Lithuania and under a fifth in Germany, as divides shift from traditional left vs right to those for and against the perceived "establishment".

Researchers said the implications for elections across Europe could be “huge” as Marine Le Pen continues her contention for the French presidency and the AfD gains support ahead of Germany’s Bundestag elections next year.


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