
The launch of "TOREN" Movie's soundtrack about genocide

01-02-2018 11:46:03

The launch of "TOREN" Movie's soundtrack about genocide

Performance: Khaoula Moujahid 

 Director and Producer: Nawzad Shekhany

We have completed the soundtrack of the movie "Toren" in English language on the Atlantic Ocean in Morocco, and will be the voice of the movie, to conveying his wound and humanitarian messages to the world. 
The film took 4 years of work and efforts to achieve its goals and direction. We decided to announce the achievement this year to make the film a production of 2018 in the interest of the film and its humanitarian tendencies to ensure its participation in the largest and most important international film festivals and the role of performance throughout the world. 
The lyric epic talk about the story of people who has been persecuted throughout history, the Ezidi people, the hereditary heir to the civilization of Mesopotamia, which has suffered scourge and committed dozens of genocide campaigns to obliterate its deep-rooted identity.

The song talks about love and peace, about the Human affiliation and peaceful coexistence between people, the philosophy of loss and deprivation, the clash between civilizations and religions, the philosophy of the struggle between death and life and A struggle of survival.

The singing saga in the voice of the Moroccan artist distinguished "Khauola Moujahid" and the selection did not come from a vacuum, but our conviction and the spirit of performance that characterizes this artist and talent and especially famous singer songs in English, make them an artist able to translate spirituality work best and deliver messages which aims to express its voice to the largest segment of the public, in addition to expressing its sincere desire and keenness and a beautiful response to the implementation of this work accurately and professionally to serve the goal sought for it. In addition to the brilliance and reputation gained in the famous TV show (The Voice) and its presence with the famous artist Kadhem Al-Saher, who supervised the training throughout the program, where gained a lot of experience in the field of singing and music.


Der international renommierte Regisseur Nawzad Shekhany aus Shekhan (Kurdistan) stammt aus der Familie des êzîdîschen Forschers Abu Azad. Von seinem Vater erbte er die Liebe zur êzîdîschen Tradition, Kultur und Religion.

Von 1983 bis 1987 studierte er an der Universität in Erbil Ingenieurswesen. Er entdeckte sein Interesse für Theater und Film und schrieb sich 1991 in die Kunstakademie in Bagdad ein. Als Student arbeitete er als Filmemacher unter anderem bei Bagdadt International TV, was für ihn nach eigenen Angaben eine tolle und wertvolle Erfahrung war. Von 1996 bis 1997 gründete er sein eigenes Studio in Irakisch-Kurdistan, wo er als Regisseur seine ersten Erfahrungen sammelte. Er gehörte auch zur Delegation kurdischer Filmemacher, die 2005 bei den Filmfestival in Cannes teilnahmen.

Nawzad Shekhany– eine für uns einzigartige Person und ein großer êzîdîscher Patriot. Durch seine Bemühung entstand die erste internationale êzîdîsche Filmproduktionsfirma „Shekhan Film“. Zusammen mit seinem Bruder Sherzad Shekhany etablierte er Shekhan Film. Wie jedem Künstler eigen ist, so hat auch Nawzad seinen ganz eigenen, dynamischen Stil, der schöne Aufnahmen ausdrucksstark an die Leinwand zu bringen vermag.

Nawzad Shekhany ist deutscher Staatsbürger und spricht Kurmancî (Kurdisch), Arabisch, Deutsch und Englisch. 



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